Come Tour Our Remodeled Blonde Brick House!

Come Tour Our Remodeled Blonde Brick House!

Our remodeled blonde brick house is finally 100% finished. And sold! That’s where I’ve been for most 2022… If you’ve been following for a while, you might have given up hope that we would ever finish and share photos on the blog. Well, today is...
Our 2021 DIY Home Improvement Goals

Our 2021 DIY Home Improvement Goals

Welcome to 2021, friends! We made it. Let’s hope we stay the course and help the world change for the better this year. Since this is a DIY home improvement blog, I’m starting the new year by sharing our 2021 house goals with you. Home improvement is why...
Should You Get a Real Estate License for Fixer Uppers?

Should You Get a Real Estate License for Fixer Uppers?

Last week I explained why and how I got a real estate license. Here’s the scoop on why it works for me, and how the math can make it work for you. Read part 1 here. Background: I’m a teacher by trade, but I recently earned a real estate license as an...